Monday, May 15, 2023

Master One Move at a Time

Martial Arts Organization
Are you trying to master a form? 

Try the “get one thing right today” principle.

Check with your sensei to find out what the proper checkpoints are, make sure you understand them, and try to execute them. Once you get close to the example set by your sensei, practice that aspect over and over until you perform it reflexively. Next time you come to the dojo, run through it a few times to make sure you’re still doing it right, and come back to it now and then in the future to see if you can make it better.

A student who never masters one aspect before moving to another may know more techniques at the end of a year, but the one who gets "one thing right" will be better at the core movements of the art.

Build Your Skills at an Ann Arbor Martial Arts Organization

Getting one thing right today doesn’t have to end with martial arts. You can improve your whole lifestyle by joining SMAA, a prestigious martial arts organization that teaches historical Japanese martial arts. Contact SMAA here to start your journey.

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