Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Learn to “Empty Your Cup”

Are you an experienced martial artist?

What can you learn from beginners?

“Empty Your Cup" is a martial arts aphorism that virtually every student has heard. It refers to the idea that students should put aside their own thoughts and opinions and diligently try to do exactly as their instructor asks them to do. Whether one studies aikido, karate-do, jujutsu, or kendo, the requirement is the same: diligently and enthusiastically perform the techniques of your martial art, over and over, trying to match all the checkpoints provided by your teacher. The idea is that you should adopt a beginner's attitude, rather than an expert's, even if you are very accomplished. If you do so, you will find that your understanding and ability improve at a remarkable pace.

See what else can be learned from beginners on our website!

A Martial Arts Organization for All

Do you want to belong to an international community of martial artists and budo enthusiasts?

The Shudokan Martial Arts Association is a martial arts organization for everyone! You don’t have to be a martial artist to join, just as long as you enjoy authentic Japanese budo. You’ll get martial arts updates, articles, and access to SMAA events when you join!

Join the SMAA today!

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