Friday, December 15, 2023

Expectations for a Martial Arts Student

Karate Black Belt Certificate
Are you unsure what’s expected of you as a martial arts student?

As the student, you agree to attend classes as often as you can, putting forth all your effort, and practicing with energy and a positive attitude. You promise to consider the teachings I put forth, taking time outside of class to think about the relationship between my words and the techniques of your martial art. You promise to respectfully raise any issues you may have with your training, and give real consideration for my answers to your questions. You agree to practice safely to help prevent injury to yourself and other students. You agree to pay your dues on time and agree not to take advantage of our policies to help you avoid paying a fair dues rate. You agree to work hard to learn your art and to trust my decisions about when you are ready for promotions. You agree to commit yourself to the learning process and to pass on the positive lessons you learn while at the Japanese Martial Arts Center.

Looking to earn a black belt certificate in karate? Get started at SMAA!

Does the martial arts social contract sound fulfilling? If so, you’re ready to be a martial artist!

SMAA offers five different divisions of authentic Japanese martial arts, including karate-do. To start your journey towards a karate black belt certificate, call 734-720-0330 or submit a contact form here.

Friday, December 1, 2023

A Brief View of the Martial Arts Social Contract

Karate Black Belt Certificate
Are you curious about the dynamic between a martial arts instructor and student?

Between the martial arts teachers at the Japanese Martial Arts Center in Ann Arbor and their students, there exists a social contract. The contract—mostly implied, sometimes written down—goes something like this: 

As the teacher, I agree to give you, the student, the absolute best training opportunity I can give you, be it in judo, jujutsu, or iaido. I promise to offer you the complete martial art I know, including all physical power, mental strategies, cultural aspects, and any spiritual benefits that are part of the art. I promise not to deceive you with martial arts mumbo-jumbo, and I promise not to try to falsely build up your self-esteem without providing any basis in real martial arts skill. I promise not to ask you to pay absurd dues rates, but will ask you to pay a fair rate in keeping with the expenses of the dojo and my need to earn a modest living. I won't give you a black belt unless you deserve it, but at the same time, I won't unnecessarily prolong your journey to black belt by making the standards impossible. I will try my best to help you develop yourself—mind, body, and spirit—so that you can excel in the dojo and in life.

Earn Your Karate Black Belt Certificate at SMAA

Does the martial arts social contract sound fulfilling? If so, you’re ready to be a martial artist!
SMAA offers five different divisions of authentic Japanese martial arts, including karate-do. To start your journey towards a karate black belt certificate, call 734-720-0330 or submit a contact form here.

It Doesn't End at Your Rank, Part 1

What is the most rewarding part of training to you? You’ve played the game full out and your gains are starting to stack up. You’ve risen pa...