Thursday, December 15, 2022

Art is an Extension of Self

 Do you feel like you’re connected to the art you create?

For successful performance in Japanese arts, the art demands a relationship of positive character traits.

Unity of Mind and Body are Essential in Your Art.

In Japanese swordsmanship, it’s customary to speak of a unity of mind, body, and sword. Mind and body coordination can be thought of as self-harmony. This integration is one of the mind and body in action, a central element for mastering any classical Japanese Way. Practicing one of the Ways can lead to an understanding of the art of living life itself. 

Join a Japanese Karate Association – Feel Connected

We are responsible for our own spiritual progress. Dabbling in martial arts can be easy when you have guidance.  Join a Japanese karate association to start your journey of personal growth. Contact us at (734)720-0330 to work on connecting with your art.

Japanese karate association

Thursday, December 1, 2022

Are You Connected to Your Body?

 Are you in control of your body?

Do you express yourself in art?

Japanese arts share certain aesthetics; they demand the acquisition of related positive character traits for their successful performance. Notice that many of the names for these arts end in the Japanese word Do. Do means “the Way,” and its use in these names indicates that activity has surpassed its utilitarian purpose and has been elevated to the level of art. 

Many artistic principles and mental states are universal to all Japanese Ways. One of the most meaningful and fundamental is the concept of mind and body coordination. Although few of us are required to use a calligraphy brush, Japanese sword, or tea ceremony utensils in daily life, learning how to use them skillfully can enhance our mental and physical health. The important relationship between the mind and body and how to achieve mind-body harmony is a principal theme of most traditional Japanese martial arts. 

Join a Japanese Karate Association for Your Mind and Body

Having a good connection with your mind and body can provide you with a sense of fulfillment you didn’t know was missing. If you want to become a part of a Japanese karate association that works to grow with your mind and body, contact us at (734)720-0330.

Japanese karate association

It Doesn't End at Your Rank, Part 1

What is the most rewarding part of training to you? You’ve played the game full out and your gains are starting to stack up. You’ve risen pa...